How To Treat Trauma of Sea Urchin Spine

IND Version
Beach is one of a loving place when we want to spend the holidays. With many beautiful beaches location in Indonesia, coastal tourism is one of the excellent for most people. Not only is the combination of sky and landscape off the stunning beaches, scenic coastal biota also make the admiration of visitors beach. However, watch out! We also should be careful on some marine creatures that live in coastal beach, for example is Sea Urchin. 

Sea urchins can live in shallow waters to the coast. The thorns are colored black and uphold in all directions to make a lot of people are worried for it. Fear filling was reasonable, and indeed necessary, because the spikes can cause trauma mechanics of the skin and, in some species of porcupine hair-toxic. Suppose when we could see the presence of this urchin spine, of course, we will avoid. However, if we not see and accidentally stepped on the spine - Auch! - direct pain radiating from the wound site. Appropriate treatment should be given directly because, in some cases, toxins of the Urchin Spine can cause breathing stopped.

Sea Urchin Spine Treatment


Black spikes all over his body towering Urchin Spine is self-protection weapon extraordinary. The spikes are composed of calcium carbonate. Mechanically, the plume is approach can injure the skin. Often times, the feathers will be attached to the skin. Although most spines can be removed, but often times there are still left behind in the skin. Residual spikes often cause symptoms of pain and bodily reactions. In addition to causing pain and body reaction, wound because of the spike can also cause secondary infection. In addition to the mechanical protection, in some species of sea urchin spine, spines and its pedicles contain toxins. This toxin is capable of flowing through the blood and cause a reaction in body, one of which seizures and trouble breathing.

If you accidentally step on sea urchin spine, the following steps you can take:

1. Get away from the sea urchin spine and seek help.

2. Take spike attached to the skin.
Although trying to clean up, often the tip of the thorn still in the skin. You can destroy the tip of a small burr to be pieces so it can be absorbed by the body. In certain cases -If the rest of the lag spikes are in the joints of the finger- medical aid is needed to capture the rest of the spines with tweezers and surgical tools. The rest of the lag spikes can cause skin reactions in the form of swollen granuloma. 

3. Use of liquid ammonia.
It’s hard to tell which spike are poisonous or not on sea urchin spine. Therefore, we should consider that each hedgehog has toxic spike. Ammonia can neutralize toxin found in urchin spine. However, very rarely people prepare themself by bringing the liquid ammonia as a walk on the beach. Fortunately, liquid ammonia is naturally easy to find, which is present in the urine.
Right! Habit of our society that gives urine when exposed to sea urchin spine seems to have a scientific basis and can be justified. With urine flow (urine should be alone, huh) is expected to be toxic neutralized immediately. There are things to consider after administering the "natural liquid ammonia ", i.e immediately to health care to prevent secondary infection.

4. Anti Tetanus injection
If you have a history of tetanus immunization of more than 5 years, and during the trip toward the health service through a place that is not clean, then it is very advised to obtain Anti Tetanus injection. One example of an injection of Anti Tetanus is Tetagam.

5. Relieve pain with warm water
While waiting for medical care, you can reduce pain by put the injured part in warm water. If soaking the affected part of the injured skin are can not be done, then compress it with warm water also helps reduce pain. 

A relaxing experience on the beach can be interrupted by Sea Urchin. However, with the steps above and supported the right medical treatment, you will soon recover and be able to enjoy a vacation at the beach again.
Have fun and hopefully this information can help.

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