What is Dystrophy Muscular Progressive?

IND Version
Dystrophy Muscular Progressive
Muscular Dystrophy or Dystrophy Muscular Progressive may rarely be heard to most people. However, the disease is not a newly recognized. Apparently, muscular dystrophy began to be heard again among public since the appearance of a teenager with the disease in one of the local television show, Hitam Putih. Perhaps there are some who are not familiar with this disease, Muscular Dystrophy. A little review from PHC team may be able to give a little picture for you.

What is Dystrophy Muscular Progressive (DMP) or Muscular Dystrophy?

Dystrophy Muscular Progressive
is a muscle disorder that causes muscle paralysis with decreased muscle mass. Thus, the weakness that occurs is not caused by a nerve, but solely because of interference with the muscle.

What causes this Dystrophy Muscular Progressive

Several theories have been issued by the experts. One is the generally accepted theory of muscle sarkolema leakage. Sarkolema is a constituent
of muscles so the muscles can contract. Muscle contraction along with the bone will cause movement. If the muscle contraction function is compromised, then the muscle functions as an activator and support functions will be disrupted.

If muscle function
is impaired, patients with DMP cannot move, can he?

True. If the severity of the disease is increasing (and this is often the case) then the patient will
hardly to move, and eventually could not move. When about to stand up, people will try to crawl phase, using the feet as hand, and trying to enforce the agency. Because muscle weakness, when standing, the patient is in lordosis posture.

How can this disease

The disease is not contagious, but can be derived
(geneticly). Meaning associated with blood ties / ancestry tree. The process of decline is according to the type muscular dystrophy. Generally, the disease has begun to emerge since the age of the children and gets worse as they get older.

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